Saturday, December 9, 2017

Important Announcement

I have found that i want to start a booktube and kust see where it goes. I just want to have fun with it. My question being, who would watch if i did and do you think a video of me organizing and cleaning my book room would be a first good video after an introduction one?


  1. I love BookTube. It's a great community. I think that's a great idea for your first video. It would give a good intro into the sorts of books you enjoy. I recommend doing the booktube newbie tag too as one of your first videos as it helps introduce you to the community too. I love following fellow booktubers and would be happy to tag in book tags if you want to consider doing some on your channel. They're usually lots of fun and get for networking with other booktubers whilst talking about books you've read.

  2. I'm not much into Booktubing and all, but watching someone's bookshelf is always fun, so I'd say that's an awesome idea! :)

  3. I watch booktubers often it gives an even more personal connection to others. I think that's a great idea and would allow the viewrs to see what kind of books you tend to lean towards and could also open up for a lot of conversation

  4. I like bookshelf tours, if that is what you mean :) Go for it!

  5. LOL - I don't even know what that is ;)


Esme's wish

Guys i changed blog addreses so if you would like to see the post, please go to